
The Wilderness Institute is a non-profit educational organization which has been providing quality outdoor education and experiential learning adventures for individuals, families, youth, and organizations since 1984.
Please join us on a Wilderness Adventure to learn new skills, hike new trails, meet new friends, and gain valuable knowledge on how to have a safe and well prepared outdoor adventure! (We love dogs but ask that you please not bring pets on these outings)
And, your payment helps to support our Accessible Adventures such as the "Wheel to the Sea" hike, designed for disabled military veterans and people who require use of wheelchairs.
Sunset Soiree and Full Moon Hike
Come alone or bring a friend and join us for a relaxing jaunt to a spectacular view of the sunset. Naturalist Brad Childs provides you with a fun interpretive hike along an easy trail to a scenic overlook. Bring your blanket or seat pad and your favorite picnic meal and drink. We'll provide the appetizers and natural high quality gourmet trailside treats as we relax and enjoy a special evening together.
The return hike offers a pleasant stroll under the glow of a full moon. A perfect opportunity to make an intimate connection with friends and nature, enjoy a beautiful setting, and a pleasant way to close your day!
Approximately 3 miles.
Fee: $25 /per person and pre-registration is required.
Wilderness Brunch Hike
Come alone or bring a friend and join us for a relaxing jaunt to a nice, natural area. Naturalist Brad Childs provides you with a fun interpretive hike along an easy trail to a special location.
Bring your blanket or seat pad and your favorite drink. We'll provide a wholesome trailside gourmet brunch as we relax and enjoy a special nature filled morning together. This is a perfect opportunity to make an intimate connection with friends and nature, and enjoy a beautiful hike.
Approximately 3 miles.
Fee: $25 /per person and pre-registration is required.
Rock and Ropes Climbing Workshops
Learn basic Rock Climbing skills and practice a variety of climbing moves and bouldering techniques. Includes completing a challenging Ropes Course activity.
Fee: $60
Introduction to Rock Climbing
Experience the excitement and personal challenge of rock climbing as you learn the basics of this popular sport. A day in the field will be spent learning belaying, rappelling and techniques for climbing a variety of rock formations. . We will review use and care of equipment, climbing techniques of friction and balance, belaying methods and learn new knots. A day in the field will include bouldering and top-rope climbing No experience is required. Equipment is provided.
Fee: $125
Where Eagles Soar-A Ropes Course Adventure
A day of outdoor challenge and team camaraderie awaits you on this special Ropes Course Adventure. You will build upon success as you work as a team to accomplish a series of physical and mental obstacles which are both thought provoking and fun! You'll draw upon your imagination and team's resources to negotiate these problem solving activities!
Fee: $125
Wilderness Survival and Outdoor Safety
Would you know what to do in a survival situation, or if you got lost? Gain the confidence and skills to be prepared, become self-sufficient, prevent injuries, and respond to emergency situations. Learn strategies and actually practice such techniques as self rescue, finding shelter and water, how to build a fire and find food. This course will also address the prevention and treatment of typical backcountry injuries and illnesses and specific medical problems such as wounds, fractures, dehydration, and altitude sickness.
You'll come away with the knowledge in how to be safe and comfortable in the outdoors and the principles learned apply to any challenge life poses, from coping in the business world to extreme trials like having a life threatening illness.
Fee: $80 adult
Winter Survival Skills and Mountain Safety
Would you know what to do in a winter survival situation, or if you got lost while skiing, snowshoeing, or mountain driving? Gain the confidence and skills to be prepared, become self-sufficient, prevent injuries, and respond to winter emergency situations. Learn strategies and actually practice such techniques as self rescue, making a snow shelter and how to build a fire and find food.
This course will also address the prevention and treatment of typical backcountry injuries and illnesses and specific medical problems such as hypothermia, frostbite, dehydration, and altitude sickness. You'll come away with the knowledge in how to be safe and comfortable in the cold outdoors in winter and the principles learned apply to any challenge life poses, from coping in the business world to extreme trials like having a life threatening illness.
Fee: $80
Map & Compass Navigation Skills
Learn how to understand topographic map features and compass readings through both lecture and hands-on application. This one day course will provide you with the confidence and ability to plan routes, find your location when lost and navigate off trail in the wilderness. Class includes a compass course, manual and use of a map & compass.
Fee: $60
Outdoor Fitness Training
Have fun with others as you learn outdoor fitness and sport specific training skills. We will start you off with group warm-up activities and progress to more active exercises designed to promote improved conditioning and core fitness for such outdoor sports as climbing, trail running, back packing and mountain biking. Then, as you progress from easy to harder terrain, we'll give you valuable tips on fitness and outdoor safety to help you feel good, more energetic and prevent injury. Interactive fitness games and an agility course highlight this fun and energetic training!
Fee: $35
Full Moon Hike
Do you see a man in the moon or like many native people's cultures, a rabbit? This and other "moon" mysteries will be discussed as we hike under the glow of the full moon. During the hike we'll observe a different world composed of hidden landscapes and nocturnal wildlife, an experience not to be missed. An easy hike approximately 1 mile.
Fee: $10 each
An Evening With the Owls
Hoo...Hoo..HooHoo...listen and look as we "call" for these wondrous nocturnal birds. We'll attempt to call in barn, great horned and even screech owls for first-hand observation. Fun owl stories and calming techniques for those first-time night hikers will help make the experience exciting and rewarding for the entire family. (Not suggested for very young children.)
Fee: $10 each
The Family That Plays Together...
Join in the fun, laughter and learning in this family day of New Games and group challenges. These activities are not only fun and easy but encourage communication, cooperation and teamwork.
Fee: $60 (up to 3 family members)
$10 each add. participant